March 17, 2009

The calm after the storm.

This week is review week, with the book project finally done and dusted, all the graphics students can relax, at long last! It was especially galling last week having to sit and work in the stuffy studio when it was so nice out, but this week we are reaping the rewards for our hard work. The weather is brilliant and we have been at the beach everyday since the deadline (bar Sunday, I was too busy watching England slaughter the French and signing contracts etc.) so yes anyway, a really great few days.

Yesterday we went to Xen as our graphics-end-of-term-meal-type-thing which made a nice change to the increasingly stale tins of soup/beans etc that I am living on in an attempt to not do any shopping until I go home. All the guys surprised me with early birthday presents which was absolutely lovely, I appreciated it more than I could say, it was a great evening.

Birthday books; I am very happy with these, graphics books are so expensive, but so good. The YCN book was given to the students who the tutors felt had done best, or worked hardest, or whatever - and so for me to get one at the exhibition on Monday was really something, made all the hard work and near mental breakdown worth it. Everyone loves a bit of recognition.

Of course these guys know what I like, a baby Jack to go alongside my others. Yes, I am a closet alcoholic.

Anyway, the rest of the week is shaping up to be just as good; relaxation, beach, no work, sunny weather. What more could you want?

March 15, 2009

Post-it note type and general nostalgia.

It really is a scary prospect that my 2nd term at Falmouth Uni is essentially over, the time really has flown. So here I thought I'd put up some of the work I did during the first term. Generally speaking, I'm never 100% satisfied with my finals and always wish I have more time to refine them further but what can you do.

This was the typeface I created for a three week project; we were each given an anonymous questionnaire and from that discern a/multiple characteristics from which we could produce some sort of graphic outcome. I think I took nostalgia, forgetfulness and similar such attributes. I was actually quite pleased with this, but thought it looked better forming actual words, which I did have some images of, somewhere, but they're lost in the depths of my hard drive so you'll have to take my word for it.

March 11, 2009

"Bookworm" has a whole new meaning.

Today is the day before our book-binding deadline, well, the deadline for the books themselves anyway. If it turns out our sketchbooks are in for tomorrow too I might as well just throw myself off a cliff and be done with it.

So today, I have been (trying) to make my final book, after more mock-ups than I care to remember and an obscene amount of prep work I felt it should (should being the operative word) come together smoothly. Oh no, that would be far, far too easy. In essence today has been a big, sticky, paper-wasting mess. I don't even know if I am happy with my design anymore; my cover is off-center and I'm scared to open the book should it all fall apart - so yes, today has been pretty grim.

All I can say is thank goodness tomorrow it will be over. Though having said that, the content for this project was enough to keep me interested for the four weeks, which is more than can be said for the previous "languages matter" brief.
I suppose with these photos some sort of explanation regarding my book is required, well tough, I have had more than enough of it, I am sick of it.

Good times.